And because I generally have a hard time waking up, I had to buy myself one of these...
I hop on one of these (the bus, not the kids!)...
get off here...
walk down this street...
And make my way to my new work place...
through the lobby...
and over to my desk in the client servicing area.
I'll head upstairs....
into the pantry for some coffee in the morning...
Or a glass of wine in the late afternoon...
Lunch I'll grab in the area...
Usually some Malay...
or generally Asian cuisine...
or sometimes even Mexican.
Sometimes at the end of the work day, the company will celebrate something out on the balcony,
like an upcoming trip...
for an upcoming event.
Evenings, I'll either grab dinner
or drinks (or both!) with friends...
before hoping on one of these (or an expensive taxi)...
and heading home for the evening, where I'll tuck msyelf into bed.. and do it all over again the next day.
Hallelujaha! I've survived 3 weeks of this new life I've jumped headfirst into. My old life feels like a million years ago.. and at the same time, this new chapter seems both familiar and strange at the same time.
Week 4 coming at me shortly. Will keep you posted.