Sunday, July 25, 2010

Book Buys

I may have mentioned in the past that I've always been an avid reader. Growing up, I was lucky to attend a school that had libraries filled with thousands of books and regularly invited authors and illustrators to visit and read to us (like Tomie dePaola and Lois Lowry). Grades 1 to 8 are chockfull of memories of reading and re-reading books by Beverly Cleary (Ramona!), Judy Blume (Fudge!) and Roahl Dahl (Charlie!), photocopying books I couldn't get enough of (like the thick books of Laura Ingalls Wilder, hehehe), teasing Hermana 2 about book characters she resembled in personality (Amelia Bedelia) and hobbies (Angelina the Ballerina). Shell Silverstein, Where the Red Fern Grows, Sweet Valley (kids, twins and high thank you very much!), Nancy Drew, Encyclopedia Brown, Madeline L'Engle, The Dark is Rising, Berenstain Bears, Babar, Mercy Mayer, Where the Wild Things Are.. I could really go on and on and on.

I guess you could stay I have a soft spot for children's and young adult's literature.

So with a recent book store sale, I indulged and bought myself a few titles. There are a few more books that I want to go back and purchase before the sale ends.

While I was planning on getting some work done this weekend- reading reading and reading has been a delightful way to procrastinate weekend alternative.  My Rick Riordan buys were read tucked in bed after a long day and hot shower while Michael Scott is now being enjoyed on a lazy rainy Sunday. Ah, bliss :)


  1. Oooh Pi I love those books too! I got The Necromancer and Riordan's new book, The Red Pyramid as soon as I saw them (but they were expensive here grrr) Been meaning to give The Hunger Games a try too, as soon as I find a cheap copy. :D I miss talking about books with people!!! :D

  2. @Mai: How was Red Pyramid?!?! I totally thought of you when I was purchasing the books :D Hunger Games is out now on paper back.. so now is a good time to buy ;)

  3. i think i finished of the whole nancy drew series by the time i was i grade two.

    take not, NANCY DREW.


  4. EW: from a very objective point of view, i found nancy drew so much more interesting than the hardy boys! and i'm SURE that's why you read nancy drew too ;)
