Sunday, March 22, 2009

wedding watch

having been singing with a choir for YEARS, one can only imagine how many weddings i have attended. ok.. let me rephrase.. not attended, but sung for :)

there a lot of variables in my experience singing for weddings. there is venue of course: out of town weddings in intimate chapels, and massive city weddings in airconed churches. there is costume: official costume with full make-up, suot bisita, or combini's. there is the singing of course: from a list of popular wedding choices to specially arreglo-ed songs, instrumental, accapella, in dry or wet accoustics. hmmm.. and perhaps several other elements that do not come to mind right now due to the crazy summer heat that has my brain making sense only in blurts.

there are a lot of fun things about singing for a wedding. a miss universe comment would be that its a wonderful feeling to be able to soundtrack that special day in a couple's life. a practical comment would be that it is also an opportunity to earn a bit of transpo / after wedding gimik / shopping money. a useless but perhaps most "in the moment" relevant and amusing answer would be the running commentary on wedding fashion.

many of us crane our necks to catch glimpses of the outfits of guests, entorage, wedding organizers (a favorite) and of course, THE dress of the moment, the wedding dress. in hushed but excited whispers, exchange of eye contact and small but telling gestures inbetween songs (ok.. sometimes during the song), my choir becomes a forum of opinionated fashionistas. its always a thrill to see fabulous ensembles, but even more thrilling sometimes is to see some agreed upon faux pas milling about. hehehe :)


  1. That's why it's scary to hire your choir.


  2. eternal wanderer: GAGEEE!!!! it's just a venue for the healthy sharing of opinions :)

    being in a choir is just a guise. feeling ko we'd be doing the same even as wedding guests.. hehehe :) and i say WE.. kasi kasama ka rin dyan! :D

  3. Another thing I love about weddings are BUFFETS. I think they're a better "tarushness" barometer than wedding dresses. But that's just me. :) Got your letter today wheee!! Thanks sweetie! BTW why in the world were you writing me from Singapore?

  4. ...of course the premise being that the choir is invited to the reception...

  5. enilejna: buffeeeetttss... yum. i have been dreaming about a good buffet recently. kain tayo when you get back :)
