Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Weekend That Was and then Some

From what I've gathered through photos and Facebook status posts - the ACS concert was awesome! Fullhouse, wonderful performance and an overall great evening. I would've loved loved loved to have watched (watched mind you, not sing!)- the ACS mixed in some video tributes and CHOREO. SHET. I've heard the ACS sing but dance? I would've really loved to see that.

Here's one of the video's floating around, tribute to those ACS' loved ones. Yes, yes, same song (but in it's full length), but different visuals! If I knew how to loop youtube videos I would as it really does make me smile.

My weekend on the other hand was eventful- excellent dinner on Friday and a fun night out on Saturday.

I tried butter chicken with naan for the first time on Friday and I fell in love. So much so that I had to have it again on Sunday. Very tempted to go back to the Bar Bar Black Sheep but thankfully, there was an Indian resto near where I was at which had pretty good butter chicken as well. We ended the night relatively early that Friday - I think I was home by 11?

Saturday was lots of fun too- ladies night out, the F1 weekend special. We met up for pre-drinks, then checked out both the Johnny Walker party and the newly opened Pangea. Despite lots and lots (and lots and lots) of drinks, the night was not as messy as I had thought - in fact, it wasn't messy at all! Being over the hill at 29, us old ladies yawned our way to bed at a rather early time - 2ish if I'm not mistaken. I must also proudly share that I survived a night out dancing in heels - the first time in MONTHS.  4.5 inches none the less!

Sunday was spent just the way I like it - quietly. Cleaned the studio, read, went to mass, had a lovely meal (butter chicken i love you!!) and read some more.

September zipped by pretty darn quickly. Now (crazy crazy) October is almost upon us. I celebrate 6 months in SG in October and have 2 trips to take one weekend after another. Right after those trips, I have one friend coming in and staying with me, only to overlap with the trip of another friend staying with me as well. Work has also picked up; couple of new accounts to take on as well as managing the accounts of a friend who's away on and off in October.

Should be fun :)

Couple pictures from my weekend below, as well as some other random pictures I've snapped along the way over the last few months.

Bon Voyage fellow ACGCer! Best of luck in NYC!

Frozen margaritas and new conversations with old classmates

Rows of colours neatly organized! And a finger ruining my shot!

This awesome store J & I discovered (amonth many awesome
stores in that mall) displayed all sorts of Penguin books. Love love love

Mooshi Bakes' Gooey was well.. gooey

Trying out Joo Joo's assortment of yakitori

Old friends slumber partying like old times :) 

With our fancy initial pancakes for breakfast :D

I think J and I will be coming back here for more movies!

Milkshake made with TWG's tea infused ice cream flavours. TWG I love you!

MBS from afar

Love my ice cream to go's packaging!

Bus, my (only) choice of transport!

Will definitely come back here! 

Johnnie keeps walking.. 

With K & C 
Leaving Pangea

Love love the chairs, love love the colours!

Butter chicken + Naan. One of my many obsessions these last few months!


  1. Paul is moving to NEW YORK?!?!

  2. Who's the dude? Looks like a grown up Joaquin!

    Bar bar black sheep?! Lol

    That butter chicken doesn't look like butter chicken! I want to eat curry and naan together.

    You've been in Singapore for 6 MONTHS already?! Whoah. Where is the time fleeting to?

    Rica and I were catching up the other day and I felt your absence. Can't wait to see you!

    I think Rica's grad is March 23 or 24 if she hasn't mentioned it to you yet
