Monday, February 1, 2010

Connect the dots: January

I owe myself a post about the big event I was whining about last week, but that's going to take some sit down time.

Sit down time is actually what I'm writing about. I would very much like some time to just sit down and breathe. Just breathe...

I'd also like some sit down time to clean up my surroundings.

When I'm busy, I tend to kind of let go. I eat what I want and my messy tendencies reach an ultimate high. When I wear glasses and my crazy hair gets even crazier, I know I need to step back and indulge in some "me" time.

I'm scheduling a day to declutter. I need to clean up (and back up!) my computer files as in my rabidness to get my stuff together for the EVENT, my virtual files have become a mess. To follow will be the growing pile of papers in my room.

Tomorrow I get back on track again with the exercise and watchful eating.

Thankfully things have been busy, but not as crazy busy as last week.

Midweek two-week checklist time!

Done & survived:
  • EVENT (10 million year long in the making)
  • event (two day serendipitous opportunity for learning and then some)
  • First day with a new project/client
  • sleep (lol)
  • 6 writing articles (4 for 3 clients, 1 for a friend and 1 for our foundation)
  • 2 photo commitments (1 for myself, 1 for our foundation)
  • 1 surprise interview
  • line & blocking memorization for opening night this Friday
When I'm done with the above pending, my head and body should be at the same place.

By this weekend pretty please?

Geez how fast January flew. February is shaping up to look good.

2010 kicks ass so far :)


  1. I'm exactly the same. Busyness = mess. In my couchwife days, the house was spotless.

    Go go go Super Pia! :-)

  2. Lol, that's why we're friends. Birds of feather, when busy, get messy together ;)
