Let's look at the role of sleep in the last 27 years of my life.
For as far back as I remember, I lived on maybe an average of 4 - 5 hours of sleeping during 6 out of 7 days of my week. I rested on the 7th day; not because God intended it to be that way but because my body needed it.
Then because of the work I was doing from 2004-2008, 5 hours of sleep became an average of 3 hours.. and that was if I was lucky. And in all fairness to myself, I managed. Not well mind you, but I managed nonetheless.
In 2009 my life shifted gears, and I was finally getting the prescribed 8 hours of needed sleep. And thanks to a life of relaxed professional freelancing, I managed with no trouble.
My life has begun to pick up speed again over the last couple of months. Now I don't understand how anyone with a full time job and a number of other full time responsibilities can balance 8 hours of sleep and fit in a full days work. I've been back to really ugly sleep hours.. so much so that mom has been asking me to double up on my vitamins. lol.
Now that my body has gotten a taste of what 8 hours of recharge time feels like, it REALLY puts up a fight when I get less. And unless I am under an extra ordinary circumstance (ie: preparing for a major event such as January's big shebang), I've realized that I am also no longer the sleepless wonder kid I was growing up, kick ass at functioning quite well despite no sleep the night before. Now with two hours of sleep, I'm a useless zombie the next day. Age apparently does that to you. Before you know it, I'll be willingly getting up at 5 or 6 am. Eep!
Consistent and regular sleep hours is good for you. Too much is no good as is too little. You'd think this would be a fundamental I would've gotten down pat years ago noh? Hopefully I'll be able to readjust soon, figure out the right amount of sleep my body needs and finally achieve and sustain that beautiful balance.
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