Visited a huge crafts store for the first time in the US back in 2003. I love paper, scrapbooking anything, pens, and arts and crafts stuff - pretty much anything that you use to create with your heads. You can image my reaction when I stepped into the store. I was both dumbfounded and giddy. Have you ever seen Scrooge McDuck swim in his pool of coins and throw them up in the air with glee? That's what I felt like doing.
So I had myself a field day and bought whatever my budget would allow me at the time - all sorts of colored and textured paper, googly sticky eyes, colored wire, these poofy sparkly pom poms and all other sorts of stickies used for embellishment, colored sand (yes.. colored sand), photo corners, etc.
I still have a bunch of this stuff with me today - partly because I haven't gotten around to putting together a huge number of scrapbooks (they're time consuming! and expensive!) and partly because I used to have a weakness for hoarding pretty things that I thought I'd never see again if I used it up.
I do have one item stored that makes me wonder what I was thinking when I purchased them: pipe cleaners. Not literally pipe cleaners (I think) - but could very well be a pipe cleaner I suppose? They're basically long pieces of wire wrapped in all sorts of colored.. ehm.. fuzz? Being wire, you can basically bend them into any shape you want. I guess seeing them reminded me of my child hood and art classes in school. Though come to think of it, I don't remember actually using them for anything as a child. Lol.
So yes, I have this bag of pipe cleaners which I guess I intended to use for scrap booking but found out later on that they're pretty hard to glue down. Had no idea what to use them for after that so they kind of sat in storage for years.
Decided to give half of my stash away. Thank goodness for friends with kids who still like arts and crafts. Better off in that home than in mine.
Hmmm.. maybe I oughta add the colored sand to that list. Lol.